The Brothers Karamazov

based on the novel by Fedor Dostoyevsky
directed by Sylvain Creuzevault
associate artist
with the Festival d'Automne à Paris

duration 3h15

6 – 22 janvier

Odéon 6e


with Sylvain Creuzevault, Servane Ducorps, Vladislav Galard, Arthur Igual, Sava Lolov, Frédéric Noaille, Patrick Pineau alternating with Nicolas Bouchaud, Blanche Ripoche, Sylvain Sounier 
and the musicians Sylvaine Hélary, Antonin Rayon

In The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoyevsky tells the story of a contemptible, absent father whose four sons — including one who is illegitimate — more or less openly dream of killing him. One day he is murdered. But who is guilty? Sylvain Creuzevault adapts the novel, in which tragedy goes side by side with grotesqueness, and metaphysics with filth, to create a rich, playful and jubilant show. In this revival from last season, the cast, supported by two improvisational musicians, delivers a performance in which the audience is impressed by its rhythm and sense of urgency, as well as the actor’s physical expression.