Uncle Vanya

by Anton Tchekhov
french texte by Virgnie Ferrere et Galin Stoev
directed by Galin Stoev
creation 2023

duration 2h25

2 – 26 février

Odéon 6e

with Suliane Brahim from the Comédie-Française, Caroline Chaniolleau, Sébastien Eveno —permanent actor associated with the management project of the Comédie - CDN de Reims, Catherine Ferran from the Comédie-Française, Cyril Gueï, Côme Paillard, Marie Razafindrakoto alternating with Élise Friha, Andrzej Seweryn from the Comédie-Française

Galin Stoev has set Uncle Vanya in a dystopian future. Centralized systems have collapsed, and more and more people are leaving the cities to reimagine a harmonious life in the countryside. But creating real communities appears to be impossible: the characters’ accumulated emotional, intellectual and sexual baggage, as well as their destructive personal demons, have caught up with them. All they can do is hold onto the present and hope for passion in order to feel alive, if only for a moment. Between its unabashed melancholy and comic nervousness, this emotional retelling of Chekhov's play resonates with our current times.