A Death in the Family

text and direction Alexander Zeldin
associate artist

duration 2h10

11 – 21 janvier

Berthier 17e


with Marie Christine Barrault, Thierry Bosc, Nicole Dogué, Annie Mercier, Karidja Touré, Catherine Vinatier 
et Nita Alonso, Flores Cardo, Francine Champlon, Michèle Kerneïs, Dominique de Lapparent, Françoise Rémont, Marius Yelolo
and the teenagers Aliocha Delmotte, Hadrien Heaulmé, Mona

In a highly charged and intimate family setting, three generations confront each other. At the centre of the story is Marguerite (Marie Christine Barrault), a pugnacious grandmother who has reluctantly moved into a nursing home, and her overwhelmed daughter with her two temperamental teenagers. Alexander Zeldin draws on his own childhood in this intergenerational story in which old age is a trigger for the painful revival of the death of his father, whose ghost looms large. With a troupe of amateur and professional actors, Zeldin uncompromisingly (but often humorously) shares a theatrical journey to borderline states caused by the universal experience of the failure of the body and the coming of death.